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Noa & Gil Dor – 25 Year of Career – Photo Gallery By Muperphoto

On March 1st, 2015, Noa and Gil Dor have organized an event to celebrate their 25 years of career together. Their first common show was in February 1990 at the Cinematheque in Tel Aviv. To celebrate this date, most of the musicians, producers, teachers and others who have participated in their career were present. Throughout the evening, the musicians went on stage, one after another, to perform with noa and gil. The atmosphere was very relaxed, personal and joyful. Noa was very emotional! Ofer Pezenson, Noa and Gil’s manager, opened the evening.

Above: Noa and Gil Dor’s very first concert on February 8th 1990 – Photo by Eyal Drori

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During the evening, Noa and Gil were surprised several times by video clips sent by their friends from all over the world. The first set, directly after Ofer introduction, showed several long time fans/friends from France, Italy and Spain who could not be present: Celine Dupont, Emilia Galindo, Florence Masala, Marianjela Ajello, Muriel Basiez.

Photos thanks to MuperPhoto

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After this first surprise (Noa & Gil were sure it would be the only one) Noa emotionally presented the very first music teacher she had when she was a little girl still living in New York. The teacher Avshalom Katz, who was present. Then Asher Bitansky, former manager and Pezenson’s partner went on stage to talk about some funny memories. Michael Handelzalts, famous art critic and journalist, read the article he wrote after Noa and Gil’s first concert in 1990.

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Noa and Gil performed a few songs, then they were surprised by a new set of clips sent by Italian and Greek producers, musicians, poets and singers: Pompeo Benincasa (Italian Producer), Erri de Lucca (Italian Poet), the Solis Quartet, Nicola Piovani (La Vita e Bella music composer), and George Dalaras.

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The percussionist Zohar Fresco went on stage to play with Noa and Gil, then bassist Alon Nadel and drummer Jean-Paul Zimbris.. After a few more songs some new clips from famous Spanish singers and producers surprised Noa and Gil: Cruz and Mikel from Syntorama (Spanish producers). Miguel Poveda, Joan Manuel Serrat, Joaquin Sabina.

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For the next jam, contra-bassist Eli Magen, bassist Anat Foirstein, Daniel Dor, Adam Ben Ezra and Gadi Seri went on stage.

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To finish the evening, the amazing pianist Adi Reinart and the multi instrumentalist Gil Zohar joined Noa and Gil, but before they started to play, they were all surprised by the last clips, from Mira Awad, Mr Quincy Jones (himself) and not less than former President of Israel Shimon Peres ,who sent their best greetings for the 25 years celebration. The evening was really moving , Noa and Gil were overjoyed, surrounded by loving and supportive family, friends and colleagues.


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