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Waltz to the Road - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa and Gil Dor And the road and the road and the car and the car and your wrist touching my hair we know we are...
In your Eyes (Ayelet Chen) - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa and Gil dor Yemenite part: lyrics by rabbi shalom shabazi Music: traditional Ayelet chen, ayelet chen, charming...
The Eyes of Love - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa Little girl so young and tender braids are thrown upon her back in the pages of her book the world is white and...
Dreamer - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa and Gil Dor Dreamer sending your vision into the night dreamer swinging your sword of light Running where the road...
Something has Changed - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa and Gil Dor Something has changed but I don’t know what it is something has grown inside something has changed but I...
Ani Tzameh - Genes & Jeans
Words: Avraham Ibn Kapmak Music: traditional Ani tzameh le meymayich yerushalem I thirst for your waters Jerusalem #GenesampJeans
Follow your Heart - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa and Gil Dor Here is the plane, here is the door here is the boarding pass come aboard you’ve packed your bags you’ve...
Lecha Dodi – Interlude - Genes & Jeans
David, Tamar and Odeya Nini sing traditional Friday night prayer #GenesampJeans
Heart and Head - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa and Gil Dor Including sample of Shlomo Dachyani singing traditional melody Happiness, the guests are all in line...
Lullaby - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa and Gil Dor Sleep little baby don’t you fret mamma’s gonna say a little prayer then mama’s gonna get some masking...
Dala Dala - Genes & Jeans
Grandma Rachel, 85 years old sings dala dala (interlude) Words and music: Noa and Gil Dor Yemenite part traditional I have to breath I...
El Ha Maayan - Genes & Jeans
Hebrew lyrics: Yaakov Kamzon Hebrew music: traditional English lyrics and music: Noa and Gil Dor El Ha Maayan Ba Gdi, Ba Gdi Katan, El Ha...
Take Me - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa and Gil Dor Take me, take me as I am take me, don’t let go my hand take the part of me that strives to reach the...
Genes and Jeans - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa and Gil Dor Yemenite lyrics by David Ben Zechariah Ha Levi Music: traditional Sei Yonah Weh Shimini Bakinor Najany…...
The Balancing Act - Genes & Jeans
Words and music: Noa My angel so much I’d like to tell you so much of what I’ve seen I’d plant behind your eyes My angel I know I can’t...
Noa’s Interview on German Radio BR
Noa beeing interviewed by German radio The viseo includes also some parts of her concert in Nurenberg from last August 1st, 2014....
Noa – Look at the moon (Live)
Noa singing “Look at the Moon” from her new album Love Medicine, during the first concert of the new tour, at the Tel Aviv Museum...
Open Letter to the Wind – French Version in “Le Nouvel Observateur”
The French version of Noa’s “Open Letter to the Wind” was published on July 27th, in the large French Magazine “Le Nouvel Observateur”....
There are only two sides in this conflict: moderates and extremists
It’s too easy to point fingers and become extremely defensive, to stick to your own and blame the other. The complete article was...
Noa & Joaquin Sabina in Concert – You – Tu
Noa and Joaquin Sabina performing “You-Tu ..Waltz for Joaquin and Noa” together on stage in Israel, during the debut concert of Love...
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