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Noa in Concert in Palermo - Photos by Attilio Taranto
Photo set by Attilio Taranto, shot during Noa's last concert of her May 2022 Italy Tour, in Palermo.

Noa in Concert in Palermo – Teatro Politeama Garibaldi – Photos by Attilio Taranto
Amazing photo gallery by Attilio Taranto shot during Noa’s last concert in Palermo, Sicilly in the beautiful  Teatro Politeama Garibaldi....

Noa and Sting – Fields of Gold – Olympia – Clip & Photo Gallery
In the occasion of Manu Katche & Friends concert in the Olympia, Paris, on April 7th, 2016, Noa interpreted together with Sting, the song...

Noa in Concert in Cremona, Italy – Photos by Stefanino Benni and Roberto Caccialanza
These pictures were shot during Noa’s concert in Cremona, Italy, on Aug, 10th, 2015, by two amazing photographers, Stefanino Benni and...

Noa and Mira Awad in Concert in Pirineos Sur, Spain – By Rosa Casbas & Xavier d’Arq
Noa and Mira Awad in concert in the magnificient site of Pirineos Sur, in the Pirenees mountains, Spain, on July 17th, 2015. Pictures...

Noa in Sant Cugat & Logrono – By Emilia Galindo & Juan Lemus
Noa in concert in Sant Cugat and Logroño, Spain, on May 22nd and 23rd 2015. Photos thanks to Emilia Galindo and Juan Lemus #Spain

Noa’s Birthday Concert in Zappa Hertzliya – By Nahum Leder
On June 23rd, 2015, Noa had her 46th birthday and was in concert in Zappa, Herzliya. The concert hall was completely full and people were...

Noa & Gil Dor – 25 Year of Career – Photo Gallery By Muperphoto
On March 1st, 2015, Noa and Gil Dor have organized an event to celebrate their 25 years of career together. Their first common show was...

Noa and Mira Awad in Roccella – Photo Gallery by Giuseppe Curtale.
Noa and Mira Awad at the Roccella Jazz Festival, Italy, in August 2013. Images shot by Giuseppe (Pino) Curtale. #Italy #MiraAwad

Noa in Concert in Genoa, Italy – Photo Gallery by Marina Mazzoli
During the concert in Genoa, Italy, on March 17th, 2015, photographer Marina Mazzoli has shot these splendid images of Noa, Gil, Gadi and...

Noa in Maremma, Italy – Photo Gallery by Michela Nunes
These beautiful pictures of Noa were shot by photographer Michela Nunes, during a concert in the Maremma region in Italy. The show was...

Noa in Concert in Zappa, Herzliya (Photo Gallery)
Noa with Gil Dor, Gadi Seri and Adam Ben Ezra, in concert in Zappa Herzliya, Israel on February 20th, 2015 #AdamBenEzra #GadiSeri

Noa in Concert with the Haifa Philharmonic Orchestra – By Nahum Leder
Noa in concert with the Haifa Philharmonic Orchestra, in Haifa, on December 17th, 2014. She sang most of the recent Love Medicine album’s...

Noa in Concert in Bologna, Italy – By Salvatore Geremicca
Noa in concert in Bologna, during the Love Medicine tour, on October 28th, 2014. These stunning pictures were shot by photographer...

Noa with Dalaras and Dulce Pontes at the Acropolis, Athens (Video and Photo Gallery)
Noa performed, with Giorgios Dalaras and Dulce Pontes at the Acropolis in Athens for the event “A musical journey around the...

Noa in Milan, Italy – by Giulio Tanzini
Noa in concert in Milano, during the Love Medicine tour, on October 27th, 2014. The amazing images were shot by photographer Giulio...

Noa by Ronen Akerman for the Love Medicine Tour
Noa was recently photographed by her old friend and amazing photographer Ronen Akerman. The images were shot for the promo of the new...

Noa in Gorzow, Poland – by Daniel Adamski
Photo gallery of Noa’s concert in Gorzow, Poland, in June 2014. These beautiful pictures of Noa, Gil Dor, Adam Ben Ezra and Gadi Seri...

Noa in Siddi, Sardinia – by Christian Sebis
Noa, Gil Dor, Adam Ben Ezra and Gadi Seri in concert in Siddi, Sardinia, Italy, this last summer 2014. Look at these, great photos by...

Noa in Palmi – Photo Gallery by Massimiliano Natale
Noa, Gil Dor, Adam Ben Ezra and Gadi Seri in concert in Palmi, Italy, on August 30st, 2014. Photos thanks to photographer Massimiliano...
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